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Woodward News

Woodward Elementary

Welcome to Woodward!

Drop-Off Times: 7:20am - 7:40am

Pick-Up Times: 2:30pm - 2:40pm


PTO Meeting:

Ashley Koser - President -

Malarie Hastings - Vice President -

Hope Winslow - Secretary -

Amanda Liedtka - Treasurer -


PTO meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month during the school year from 6:00-7:00pm


Meetings will be held in-person and virtually. Please use this link to join virtually.



VERY IMPORTANT information for DROP OFF and PICK UP of Students

Dear Woodward Families,

We will open our doors at 7:20am this school year.  Family members who drop off children for arrival will follow the one-way loop in the side parking lot, coming in King Street, loop around the one-way side parking area along the Primary Wing sidewalk and drop off students for staff to escort in.  We will be using Door #3 (side entrance to the cafeteria).  This means that drop off can be all along the sidewalk in front of the Primary Wing so that we can help the process move along as quickly as possible.  Safety is priority, so the drop off loop must be a one-way traffic loop.  We want to avoid stopping, parking, and walking students across this loop.  Please do not attempt to pass cars waiting to unload children, because some children exit on the driver side.  Staff members will be waiting and will assist children out of the car and to safety. Drivers, please stay in your vehicle.

For dismissal,  buses will come to pick students up this year at 2:25pm.  Our goal is to load buses in five minutes.  However, as long as we use our morning drop-off routine for afternoon pick-up, we can actually start family pick-up at 2:30 pm!  We just have to make sure that we only use the King Street entrance, our side loop, and King Street as the exit without ever blocking buses as they need to exit.

Every family will receive a Family Pick-Up Number.  Each child will bring three (3) laminated copies home in their take-home folder on day one.  To prepare for day one, each teacher will send a separate Bloomz communication to each parent to let them know their family pick-up number.  As you pull in, you will display your child's family pick-up number inside the windshield of your vehicle so our staff can see it.  Staff will radio in and we will send the students out the side doors for pick-up in the afternoon pick-up zone (marked by cones).

Parents/family members will not park or get out of the car. We will help students load into the correct car. Then you will pull on through the loop and back out King Street.

The first few days will be an adjustment, but the safety it offers is powerful. Only trusted individuals are to receive your pick-up number, and that way we know the individual you send has the permission to pick up your child (in addition to the notes you give to us at the beginning of the year.).

Please remember that we are not allowed to use Armory Road. Parents/family must enter the main street, King Street, and use the one-way loop to drop off and pick up students. We can never block buses as they need to exit. This would delay the bus routes and cause other parents to be worried about their children.

As we work our way through the school year and see that adjustments need to be made, we will make you aware of any changes.

Morning drop-off: 7:20am-7:40am.

Afternoon pick-up: 2:30pm-2:40pm